Friday 15 January 2021

 Just dipping a toe in the waters . . .

It’s absolutely freezing in here. No light, no heat, no hot tea on the go. No posts since 2019. Time to make a pot of tea, switch the lights and heating on and move back in I think. A few flowers would cheer the place up too.
It’s Friday 26th November 2021, and we are almost at the end of the second year of a global pandemic caused by the coronavirus Corvid 19. It has proved lethal, putting the NHS here in the UK under a horrific strain. Hundreds of thousands of people have so far died after catching it. It originated in Wuhan in  China, supposedly in a live animal market which was interestingly close to a ‘viral research facility’. China is, of course, now denying any responsibility for the virus itself, or for its rapid spread - which was startlingly  reminiscent of the opening sequence of the old 1970s sci-fi series ‘Survivors’. 
Here in Audenshaw we spent most of 2020 in lockdowns of varying degrees of severity. We are currently in the odd position of having (mostly) been vaccinated twice, and having had a booster as well. I say mostly because many people have refused to be vaccinated, believing that social media posters are more truthful and informative than the doctors and scientists who are urging everyone to be vaccinated.  Well, some people believe thatthe Earth is flat, despite evidence to the contary so there's no real surprise there.The morons and fake news lunatics can of course never be legislated for. I understand that even in Ancient Rome there was an underclass who were either too deviant, too devious or simply of very low IQs and who were not even suitable material to make passable slaves. It would seem that they are still with us.
I thought on several occasions in 2020 that I would start to blog again, and record life in the UK during a pandemic. In the event I was too busy thoroughly cleaning the house, cooking, knitting, gardening, finishing the needlepoint I started over 8 years ago, staving off serious depression and generally living.
So, what’s changed? Nothing really, but having throughout 2  springs, 2 summers, nearly 2 autumns and 1 winter cleaned the entire house from top to bottom I finally have no more cluttered cupboards or 12 year old detritus or dirt to tackle and I have too much time on my hands and no wish to dive again into the ‘what if’ maelstrom dark of thoughts that were occupying me pre-pandemic.
So,  off we soar again into the wide blue yonder . . . We have no idea what tomorrow may bring, but we will be very grateful if we are here to enjoy it.

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